2003 Alfa Romeo Spider – Solid Black
- Wash & Decontamination
- Multi-Stage Paint Correction
- Wax Protection
The owner of this 2003 Alfa Romeo booked in for a songle day paint correction, however after having washed the car and seen the state of it, and quick phone call later, it was decided that it would be a two day job. The car was roughly around 40-45% when it came to me. It left at around 85%. So still a marked improvement even though it wasn’t a complete, back to factory finish job. There were just too many rids, pitting marks, and embedded etchings to completely correct out.
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From this distance it didn't look too bad

An immediate area of concern was this, which, whatever it was, etched itself quite badly into the paint. To the point where my fingernail caught as it was drawn across it

Foam Wash

Chemical Decontamination

Post wash inspection. White line marking paint spattered up both sides of the car and inside the wheel arches:

The dots went up as high as the Pininfarina logo (a couple went even higher)

Wheel arches

After several hours of careful patient removal

Clay picking up lots of oxidation

Lots of marring

50/50 of the bonnet. Multi stage correction involving wet sanding

Completed bonnet

50/50 Door

Etching on passenger side door wet-sanded and corrected out

Plastics restored (50/50)

Nice reflection shot

Post wax