The car as presented


Nice big Brembo "dinner plate" rotors and calipers up front. The race pads dump a fair bit of brake dust as you'd imagine


Rubber scuffing from all the track work. I'd say this has happened when the front wheels kick up hot rubber "marbles" on the track and they end up splattering on the protective plastic on the leading edge of the rear guards

Adhesive residue from racing stickers

Chemical decontamination finding and removing lots of metal particulates attached to the wheels from brake dust etc as you'd imagine

A solid couple of rounds of iron and tar remover for the insides of the guards also in order to loosen up and remove the hardened tar and rubber caught up in there

Chemical decontamination across the paintwork, picking up lots of particulates.

Rinsed off and then two rounds of APC soak on the wheels and full clean with various brushes and wheel woolies (inc inside the wheel barrels)

Foam Wash

Brushwork around the more intricate areas such as badges and panel gaps etc

Post wash inspection. Moderate swirling present

Nice RID (Random In-Depth Scratch) across the roof as well

A closer look at the rubber scuffing shown earlier. Caution would have to be exercised with machine polishing PPF (Paint Protection Film) as it can be easily overheated and go opaque if worked too hard.


Correcting the rear engine louver. This was done at low speed on the rotary with 4" pads. Three stage correction

Other panels post-correction.

PPF on the rear guards corrected to remove the scuffing

Adhesive residue cleaned off and corrected

Once corrected the car was then Opti-Coated. Some nice gloss pics

Final outdoor shots