2015 Subaru WRX STI
- Wash & Decontamination
- Multi-Stage Paint Correction
- Opti-Coat Pro+ Paint Protection (2 Layers)
A new WRX STI with less than 2000kms on the clock.
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A recent week or so of rain and the fact it lives up in the hills saw it arrive quite dirty. After a full wash and decon a two stage correction was done and two layers of Opti-Coat Pro+ was applied

Befores and afters. Light hazing and scratching present

Buffer trail hazing most likely from the pre-delivery dealership detail

Polish residue from previous correction work

More hazing.

This hazing was present pretty much across the entire car and contributed quite badly to the lack of overall clarity and gloss in the paint

Scratched tail lights

Final Pics. Gloss and clarity levels now up where they should be.

The wheels were also coated