Audi TTS – Panther Black
- Wash & Decontamination
- Multi-Stage Paint Correction
- Opti-Coat Pro+ Paint Protection (2 Layers)
This Audi TTS was recently purchased second hand. The owner is a co-worker of one of my existing clients and when he saw the car he immediately told him to contact me, which is very nice of him
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Here is the Audi as it arrived

After a wash and decontamination it became obvious that the car had been pretty badly mistreated in the pre-delivery detail. Lots of rotary holograms and some deeper damage also. 50/50 shot of the bonnet to highlight how bad the holograms were

Befores and afters.

Panther black, once you clear away the damage, is actually a very deep metallic purple. It's a pretty interesting colour when shown at its best

A shopping centre tag-and-run from some lowlife on the passenger rear guard.

The tail lights didn't escape the "rotary of doom" either

Final Pics. Only indoors due to inclement conditions