Some befores and afters. The car was waterless washed down, clayed, corrected and waxed in situ at the owner's warehouse. You will see some other cars previously detailed in some of the shots.

There was unfortunately a far bit of deep damage in the car which could not completely be addressed, which you may see here and there. Great care had to be taken and I erred on the side of caution (possibly a little moreso than usual). I believe though in spite of the damage a good level of correction was achieved. It is certainly streets ahead of where it was before I started.

The bonnet, which was particularly bad with swirls, scratches, hazing, and oxidation

Apologies, the first pic here is not well focused but you get the idea

The NACA ducts also had to be vary carefully taped up so as not to nick the egdes while working in the tight space

The engine cover

The right rear quarter which took a fair bit of a beating over the years with people brushing past it. If you look closely you can see the longitudinal scratches in the paintwork. I was quite pleased with how this came out considering.

The exhausts were cleaned up

The Kamikaze Infinity Wax applied and left to cure

Final Pics. Some of these are a little on the dark side as it was about 9:30 at night by this stage

That gorgeous Rosso Corsa red