Lexus ISF – Solid Black
- Wash & Decontamination
- Multi-Stage Paint Correction
- Opti-Coat Pro+ Paint Protection
This solid black Lexus ISF was bought second hand recently from a Melbourne Lexus dealer. The executive sled had had a hard life and the owner wanted to walk back as much of the previous damage as possible and then protect it.
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Here is the car as presented

A couple of 50/50s

Some befores and afters. The car had a two stage correction everywhere except the bonnet, which required a three stage correction.

Recent bird poo etching that fortunately hadn't eaten too deeply into the clear and was able to be removed

Buffer trails to match the swirling

More of the same

The sides of the Lexus also had the obligatory longitudinal scratches, probably indicating broom work

Tops of the doors

The roof had some severe water etching

Final Pics. The car was topped with two layers of Opti-Coat Pro+