R35 Nissan GTR – Solid Black
- Multi-Stage Paint Correction
- Opti-Coat Paint Protection
This car was a collaborative effort with its owner. A total of approx 50 man-hours was spent on the paint correction and Opti-Coat alone due to the softness of the paint to work with
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The car as presented. Certainly one of the best-kept solid black cars on the road.

Some gratuitous engine bay shots of the modified goodness within

Seemingly innocent, yet hiding approx 430+kw at all four wheels.

Up close though the marring and water spotting becomes apparent

Here you can see after one pass the swirling has been removed, but there is still micro-marring which is what's causing the hazing

Playing around with the camera settings to better capture the hazing, but deeper swirls removed

Finishing stage. Hazing gone

Rotary with extension bit to work the tight areas

Gloss and reflection levels are amped up very high as a result of the level of correction we're chasing. THe owner commented that the black seems so much deeper than before. These photos represent bare, post-corrected panels. No glazes or waxes of any kind.


Post Opti-Coat