Tesla Model S P85 – Multicoat Red
- Wash & Decontamination
- Multi-Stage Paint Correction
- Opti-Coat Pro+ Paint Protection
This is the P85 in Multicoat Red. A great, vibrant colour that is a real head-turner on an already impressive head-turning car.
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Here is the car post wash/decon, still sitting at max ride-height for ease of washing under the guards.

Some befores and afters. There was light swirling through the paint as well as some hazing which interfered with the clarity

Some final shots

It's hard not to love those lines...

Tesla deja vu. The next one rolled up. A P85+ Signature Edition.

No real sun but couldn't miss the opportunity to get photos of these two together

It was lightly drizzling when the owner came to pick it up unfortunately, but it did give me a chance to get a couple of nice beading pics