Tesla Model S P85+ Signature Edition
- Wash & Decontamination
- Multi-Stage Paint Correction
- Opti-Coat Pro+ Paint Protection
This is the second of the double-barrel Teslas from the last week. This is another Signature Edition, the same as the one from earlier in the year
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As presented. Quite a different red to the Multicoat red. A deeper wine red.

Befores and afters. Some water etching as well as a reasonable amount of hologramming across the car. Light swirling also.

Clarity gains

The solid black plastic on the roof in front of the panoramic glass is a small but highly visible strip across the car. It makes a big visual difference when it is properly polished

More water etching and a few RIDS

One or two of the RIDS continue down the rear door

Sanding ticks and more hologramming

Light RIDS and more hazing

Yup, more hazing. This was all over the car, most likely from the pre-delivery detail

A few quite deep RIDS just in front of the door handle (lower). The upper area you can also see some concentric gouges, most likely caused by excessive pressure with a rotary polisher or some debris caught in the pad. Again not ideal when it comes to pre-delivery on your nice new $200k vehicle

Final Pics. After two corrective stages and two layers of Opti-Coat Pro+. Gloss and depth really brought out in the metallic

The wheels were given a layer of Opti-Seal to give some temporary protection. Tyres cleaned with 3D Magic Blue. I really do like this for its ability to give a great low sheen look. Just perfect in my opinion